Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Ocean Nomad

Our Kupulau or spring in Hawaii is beautiful. I can't think of another way to put it. Sun showers and breezes flow through the island chain and new life blooms with each new each moment.

We met down Waianae side, my home side. I lived for over a decade on the shores of Coral Sands and Maili Beach. My boys were born and raised this side, just like their father and uncles. I love the West side of Oahu. The mountain ranges and valleys that hold secrets with each whisper of the wind. The untouched beaches, white sands hiding treasures from the sea. The mom and pop groceries that line the only road in (and out), and of course, my favorite manapua man circling the neighborhood with ice cake and 13 different flavors of popsicle.

The three of us, early morning risers, waiting for the sun to come out. Laden down with the beach accoutrements needed for a day on the sand. Plus of course, cameras, light diffusers, and a wardrobe fit for any Ocean Nomad: white lace halters paired with the perfect cut off shorts, turquoise bikinis that rival the beauty of the oceans hues, jewelry galore and a sweet white dress - perfect for playing in the wisps of the tide. It was Model, Photographer and me. And it was wonderful.

Living in Hawaii has brought me so much joy over these last thirteen years. I've been lucky to have met and spent time with such amazing people - people who I never would have been given the opportunity of knowing if I hadn't taken the risk and moved thousands of miles from the town I grew up in. It's been a joyous ride thus far.

My Ocean Nomad model, Savannah, has modeled with us before - Her look is gorgeous, perfect skin, beautiful hair and she is such an amazing woman. I am so lucky to have worked with her again. Our photographer has shot my jewelry numerous times while working with the amazing Meagan Elizabeth of MEswimwear and I was so pleased with our entire shoot(!)

Ocean Nomad

What is Ocean Nomad? It's a feeling, a thought, an image I have been dreaming for the last two years - a BoHo mix of Beachy and Wander. It's the moment you follow the tide. When you choose to wade in further than anyone else. The girl not afraid to take off running down the shore and fly into the salty waters that surround our beautiful home. It's the moment as the sun hits the horizon. That twinkling in the sky just as the lavender sets in. It's a feeling. That cool breeze the sweeps through your salty locks as the bonfire starts to crackle. It's the stories and memories. It's the moments spent with the people you choose to love.

It's freedom

It's that monumental feeling of gratefulness

It's daring and unafraid of the next journey

It's Aloha

As we travel into the remaining weeks of spring I have chosen to cherish each and every moment. We've been preparing for a new adventure, one that will take us into the heart of the desert. No more sweet pineapples or lush tropical flora - but a new - different beauty awaits us. We will continue creating handcrafted pieces with the Aloha as we journey into this next stage of our lives. I will always love my island home. My family I created here, the people it brought me to, the places I've witnessed and the sweet lingering smell of the ocean. We will return in a few years after our wanderlust is full and brimming with new memories. Aloha Hawaii Nae.